The Importance of Defining the Skills of a Data Analyst
The Importance of Defining the Skills of a Data Analyst
September 21, 2021 - What are the domains of the data analyst? Analysts have to understand databases and types of databases. They must know how to manipulate data, join and validate data. They need to understand some of the basic statistics and aggregate functions. They need to be able to effectively visualize data. They need to know how to navigate data governance in the organization.
In partnership with CompTIA, ThinkData is rising to the challenge by delivering the Official Data+ curriculum and hands on lab content. This will supply not only critical domain information, but also real-world skills to the trainee. This training will not only help people get certified, but also effectively describe their skills in each domain. Imagine the impact to an organization to really narrow down the definition of a data analyst and what an analyst’s capabilities will do for the organization and their data.
Join me and CompTIA’s Teresa Sears for a live discussion on why this is so important and how CompTIA has helped us all to narrow down on the much-needed definition of the data analyst.
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