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Data analyst: anyone who works data.
Data skills are critical to succeed.
There are essential data skills everyone must know, whether working with a spreadsheet full of data, querying a large dataset, or visualizing data in dashboards, reports, or pivot tables. Not everyone will solve world hunger, and there are various types of data professionals. But the fundamentals remain the same. CompTIA Data+ covers the skills needed for anyone wanting to deepen their data expertise.

More people need these skills.
People often see data analysts as highly skilled, and that's true. However, at ThinkData, we recognize that there are different levels of skills and requirements. Anyone working with data (spreadsheets, pivots, PowerBI) is doing the basics of data analysis, or at least should be. Our training will teach the skills needed in each area. Think about how beneficial it would be for an organization to have a definition of what a data analyst does and what skills they should have. When your teams learn the core skills from CompTIA's Data+ training, it will greatly improve both the organization and its data.