Data Survival Skills
Perform basic analysis
Perform basic analysis on data sets No single data set is exactly the same. Learn...
Using analysis commands
Using the analysis commands built into popular tools Most systems have some basic analysis built...
Basic dates analysis
Using basic dates analysis It's in the gap you can tell the story. This is...
Building paginated reports in Power BI
Building paginated reports in Power BI Learn how to quickly build basic paginated reports using...
Building letter size reports for meetings using Power BI Desktop
Building letter size reports for meetings using Power BI Desktop Creating Power BI files that...
Edit visual interactions
Edit visual interactions Learn how to create interactive dashboards with a few static items that...
Using Joins and Update Queries to Create Valuable Markers
Using Joins and Update Queries to Create Valuable Markers in the data Joins can provide...
Building Date Tables in Power BI, Power Query
Building Date Tables in Power BI & Power Query Creating date tables is important in...
Using Make Tables to normalize a denormalized data set
Using Make Tables to normalize a denormalized data set We can't always control how we...
Using Append queries to combine spreadsheets
Using Append queries to combine spreadsheets You may discover that all your data is siloed...