
Introduction to Outlook Groups
Introduction to Outlook Groups June 2, 2016 - Distribution groups on steroids anyone? Take a...

Create new shared Excel files in OneDrive
Create new shared Excel files in OneDrive June 2, 2016 - Learn about Excel Online...

New Email for Office365
New Email for Office365 June 2, 2016 - For years we have interacted with email...

Using Sweep and Other Built in Rules in Office365
Using Sweep and Other Built in Rules in Office365 June 1, 2016 - This just...

Set Up Your Office365 Tiles
Set Up Your Office365 Tiles June 1, 2016 - If you have been using Office365...

Changing careers? Some of us would call that growth.
Some of us would call that growth. Many people change direction in their careers. Some...

Building Solutions With What You Have
Building Solutions With What You Have I love helping my clients build stop gap systems...

When we still asked Jeeves
When we still asked Jeeves I started my formal training career in August 2000 in...

Make Cells Grow as You Type in Excel
Make Cells Grow When You Type in Microsoft Excel I have been looking for the...

InnoHack 2015
InnoHack 2015 We are hosting the most exciting hack to date on April 10th &...