Transforming and Cleaning

Creating subgroups for use in visuals and basic analysis
Creating subgroups for use in visuals and basic analysis Being able to transform data doesnt...

Mapping Data into Other Software Tools
Mapping Data into Other Software Tools Data everywhere - and plenty of places to put...

Creating tables and joins to recode data
Creating tables and joins to recode data There are times where you can't write a...

Merging data and building basic calculations into a data set
Merging data and building basic calculations into a data set Learn how to merge data...

Build conditional functions to make data
Build conditional functions to make data The ability to create conditional formulas in Power BI...

Cleaning data from a folder of files in Power BI
Cleaning data from a folder of files in Power BI Each week represents a new...

Duplicate vs Reference in Power Query
Duplicate vs Reference in Power Query To duplicate or to reference, that is the question....

Cleaning data from a PDF in Power BI
Cleaning data from a PDF in PowerBI Let's face it- sometimes the only information you...

Using Unpivot to build data sets from Survey Results
Using Unpivot to build data sets from Survey Results Surveys are used to capture a...