DFU: Finding portfolio building work
***For best viewing experience log in to LinkedIn*** March 13, 2023 - A portfolio is...
Working with full outer joins
Working with full outer joins Often times we find as data workers we are trying...
Using anti joins to search for data
Using anti joins to search for data We know that data sets cannot be achieved...
Joining data with common data between two unrelated data sets
Joining data with common data between two unrelated data sets Joining data is part of...
ISACA Events
ISACA Events Robin Hunt has been honored to speak at ISACA conferences, including an annual...
AFCEA Events
AFCEA Events Robin has been honored to be part of panel discussions at AFCEA events,...
Creating unique identifiers between two data sets
Creating unique identifiers between two data sets When a join is required, and the field...
ATD Events
ATD Events Robin has spoken at ATD events, both nationally and at the Birmingham chapter....
ISSA Events
ISSA Events Data and security go hand-in-hand. Robin loves talking with ISSA organizations, including the...
IIA Events
IIA Events Robin loves to teach the magic that is Power Query and other data...