Data Skills Survival Kit

The Data Skills Survival Kit

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Joining Data

Working with full outer joins

A screen shot of a window showing the settings for Microsoft Outlook and working with full outer joins.
Working with full outer joins Often times we find as data workers we are trying to determine what is on two data sets. We want to see everything that matches or doesn't match from two ...

Using anti joins to search for data

A screen displaying the settings for a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, utilizing anti joins to search for data.
Using anti joins to search for data We know that data sets cannot be achieved efficiently without adjusting joins so we learn about left and right joins. Then as we produce these results sometimes we ...

Joining data with common data between two unrelated data sets

The goal is to join data with common data between two unrelated data sets, ensuring one list has an established key and incorporating that key into the other lists.
Joining data with common data between two unrelated data sets Joining data is part of the life of a data analyst. The problem is that most data sets that need to be joined exist in ...

Creating unique identifiers between two data sets 

When we are missing a key field, we have to determine how to join the data by creating unique identifiers between two data sets.
Creating unique identifiers between two data sets When a join is required, and the field doesn't exist, you must learn to create a field to create a unique identifier. This will allow you to enjoy ...

Data Designs

Designing relationships for databases

A woman working on a computer.
Designing relationships for databases Learn how to design relationships for a basic database. If you can understand how to create relational designs, then you will understand how to read great designs and deal with bad ...

Creating a SharePoint back end from a database

A woman working on a computer.
Creating a SharePoint back end from a database Learn how to get the most of a relational design and a live database backend at the same time. Not everything you will do will get a ...

Model or Merge- and what’s the difference? 

A woman working on a computer.
Model or Merge- and what's the difference?  You may wonder, "When is it best to model or to merge?" In this video we show the difference so you can decide based on your project needs. ...

Normalizing data to achieve a data design

Data on a single topic is normalized in a separate table, which other tables reference.
Normalizing data to achieve a data design Normalizing data is typically the skill of a database designer, but when you are an analyst, you design data sets. No keys on how to break data to ...

Privacy and Protection Techniques for Data

Auditing Data and Spreadsheets

A woman working on a computer.
Auditing Data and Spreadsheets One keyway to ensure privacy and protection is to audit the files. Look at the file a way another might. Let's uncover ways to audit a file quickly by using the ...

Creating aggregated datasets

A woman working on a computer.
Creating aggregated datasets  Creating aggregate data sets is vital for effective data analysis and decision-making. Aggregation involves summarizing large volumes of detailed data into a more manageable and meaningful form, which helps in identifying trends, ...

Using Functions to Mask Data

A woman working on a computer.
Using Functions to Mask Data Exploring Different methods to mask data for privacy (because data privacy is crucial data governance skills for all). Learn How To Use Functions To Mask Data The Data Skills Survival ...

Transforming and Cleaning Data

Creating subgroups for use in visuals and basic analysis

A woman working on a computer.
Creating subgroups for use in visuals and basic analysis Being able to transform data doesnt always mean a calculation like price * quantity. It can mean building text based calculations to allow for further study ...

Mapping Data into Other Software Tools

A woman working on a computer.
Mapping Data into Other Software Tools Data everywhere - and plenty of places to put it. A key to data survival and well data quality is being able to leverage data for other places without ...

Creating tables and joins to recode data

A woman working on a computer.
Creating tables and joins to recode data There are times where you can't write a enough replace commands, or conditional statements to clean bad data. Learn how to create a control table to clean data ...

Merging data and building basic calculations into a data set

A woman working on a computer.
Merging data and building basic calculations into a data set Learn how to merge data from different sources and build basic calculations into a dataset. See how to analyze data by creating a comprehensive dataset ...

Build conditional functions to make data

A woman working on a computer.
Build conditional functions to make data The ability to create conditional formulas in Power BI is essential because it transforms raw data into meaningful, reliable information tailored for specific reporting needs. This capability is key ...

Cleaning data from a folder of files in Power BI

A woman working on a computer.
Cleaning data from a folder of files in Power BI Each week represents a new set of information for your reports. Learn how to create a report or spreadsheet by pulling data from a folder ...

Duplicate vs Reference in Power Query

A woman working on a computer.
Duplicate vs Reference in Power Query To duplicate or to reference, that is the question. The answer truly depends on the outcome you are trying to achieve. Learn the differences of both commands and how ...

Cleaning data from a PDF in Power BI

A woman working on a computer.
Cleaning data from a PDF in PowerBI Let's face it- sometimes the only information you have is in a beautiful formatted PDF file. Not to worry, you can clean it like it's a spreadsheet. Learn ...

Using Unpivot to build data sets from Survey Results

A woman working on a computer.
Using Unpivot to build data sets from Survey Results  Surveys are used to capture a ton of data. These tools typically provide some initial information but to really analyze and visualize some data you must ...

Making Data Sets

Using Remove Duplicates to Find the Latest or Earliest Record in Excel

A woman working on a computer.
Using Remove Duplicates to Find the Latest or Earliest Record in Excel You will learn how to leverage multi sort options to retrieve the appropriate record for your data analysis and/or reporting. Learn How To ...

Building Data Sets inside of Outlook

A woman working on a computer.
Building data sets inside of Outlook Having my data skills means that I look at every program I use as a data machine. That means I am going to put data in it; and take ...

Adding data leveraging cross joins

A woman working on a computer.
Adding data leveraging cross joins We use joins in data to effectively report on data, but have you ever considered using them to create data? When faced with adding repetitive data for a project that ...

Using date functions to create follow up data

A woman working on a computer.
Using date functions to create follow up data When you have data; you can use it to create valuable data sets to help automate or notify for other processes. Learn how to use date functions ...

Leveraging the Advanced Editor in Power Query to share cleaning routines

A woman working on a computer.
Leveraging the Advanced Editor in Power Query to share cleaning routines When you work in a team but on solo projects you can find yourself with some advanced cleaning routines. These routines could likely be ...

Using Remove Duplicates to Create Data Sets

A woman working on a computer.
Using Remove Duplicates to Create Data Sets You have a ton of data- it's just not modeled and workable. You can't quit. You must learn how to make data from the data you have. Learn ...

Adding data leveraging cross joins

A woman working on a computer.
Adding data leveraging cross joins A cross join in SQL is useful for creating all possible combinations of rows from two or more tables. It pairs each row from one table with every row from ...

Using Joins and Update Queries to Create Markers in the Data

A woman working on a computer.
Using Joins and Update Queries to Create Valuable Markers in the data Joins can provide you a valuable way to link information, but they can also be used to create valuable markers or fields in ...

Building Date Tables in Power BI/Power Query 

A woman working on a computer.
Building Date Tables in Power BI/Power Query  Creating date tables is important in data analysis because they provide a structured way to analyze data over time. A date table includes every date within a certain ...

Using Make Tables to normalize a denormalized data set

A woman working on a computer.
Using Make Tables to normalize a denormalized data set We can't always control how we receive data. However, once we have that data we can make decisions that will help us better report on the ...

Using Append queries to combine spreadsheets

A woman working on a computer.
Using Append queries to combine spreadsheets You may discover that all your data is siloed into many different spreadsheets even though they contain the same structure. Learn how to create simple appends to create the ...

Using union queries to bring together data sets in SQL

A woman working on a computer.
Using union queries to bring together data sets in SQL Unions can be a valuable concept to understand when your data sets are in different tables or by different unique queries. Learn how to make ...

Visualizing Data

Visualizing data sets in Outlook

A woman working on a computer.
Visualizing data sets in Outlook People are constantly trying to build calendars. Knowing that Outlook reads data in the form of calendars has allowed me for decades to look over time in a calendar view ...

Build letter size for reports using Power BI Desktop

A woman working on a computer.
Build letter size for reports using Power BI Desktop You need all the features of PowerBI desktop, but at the end of the refresh process this information needs to be packaged and sent via PDF. ...

Build paginated reports

A woman working on a computer.
Build paginated reports Learn how to quickly build basic paginated reports using PowerBI Report Builder. Learn How To Build Paginated Reports The Data Skills Survival Kit Series If you're a data analyst, you've no doubt ...

Building a brief for a data project

A woman working on a computer.
Building a brief for a data project We spend so much time on techniques to visualize data but little on how to get the information into the hands of others. It's not always about the ...

Creating simple data sets with basic visuals for presentations

A woman working on a computer.
Creating simple data sets with basic visuals for presentations Learn how to create simple datasets and transform them into visually appealing charts and graphs using Microsoft Excel. Discover techniques for formatting and customizing these visuals ...

Basic visualization of cohort data

A woman working on a computer.
Basic visualization of cohort data Visualize cohort data using Power BI to show progression over time. Cover structuring data for visualization and using matrix visuals to illustrate cohort progression. Learn How To Visualize Cohort Data ...

Using Different Pivot Formats to Share Stories

A woman working on a computer.
Using different pivot formats share stories Every visual tells a story. Learn how to use Pivots to share different stories on the same data. Learn How To Use Different Pivot Formats The Data Skills Survival ...

Building letter size reports for meetings using Power BI Desktop

A woman working on a computer.
Building letter size reports for meetings using Power BI Desktop Creating Power BI files that are printable or can be exported as PDF pages adds significant value for meetings and presentations. Here's why:Accessibility: Not everyone ...

Edit visual interactions

The value dashboard design is one that showcases exceptional visual interactions.
Edit visual interactions  Learn how to create interactive dashboards with a few static items that never update. Learn How To Edit Interactions In Dashboards The Data Skills Survival Kit Series If you're a data analyst, ...

Basic Analysis

Working with Different Group Sizes

A woman working on a computer.
Working with Different Group Sizes In data studies there can be a two group comparison and there can also be a size difference in the groups. Learning how to look at responses based on two ...

Understanding and Communicating Impacts

A woman working on a computer.
Understanding and Communicating Impacts Often times numbers are thrown on a page and it can be impossible to know what they mean if you do not dig a little deeper. Learn how work with a ...

Establishing a cohort data set

A woman working on a computer.
Establishing a cohort data set There are times when you want to study the behaviors of a data set, and how one group might compare to others. Learning how to establish a basic cohort will ...

Adding additional data to your cohorts

A woman working on a computer.
Adding additional data to your cohorts Once cohorts data sets are established you will find yourself leveraging them for various studies. You will find it can be helpful to add additional data points to your ...

Analyzing top and bottom scenarios

A woman working on a computer.
Analyzing top and bottom scenarios Analyze the top and bottom scenarios within a dataset using Power BI. Covers how to present data context, filter top and bottom records, and create visualizations to compare different data ...

Using Case statements for conditional logic in SQL queries

A woman working on a computer.
Using Case statements for conditional logic in SQL queries Creating CASE statements in SQL queries is important because it allows you to add conditional logic directly into your data retrieval process. Here's why it's valuable:Data ...

Analyzing data using a matrix and conditional formats

A woman working on a computer.
Analyzing data using a matrix and conditional formats Have an Excel sheet with pivot tables full of data? Want to visualize those in Power BI in meaningful ways? Let Robin step you through the next ...

Perform basic analysis on Datasets

A white background with black text, perfect for displaying data sets.
Perform basic analysis on data sets No single data set is exactly the same. Learn how to do the basic analysis techniques to learn more about your data. Learn How To Analyze Data Sets The ...

Using analysis commands built into Popular Tools

A woman working on a computer.
Using the analysis commands built into popular tools Most systems have some basic analysis built in to the software. Learn how to take your analysis up a step using these built-in tools. Learn How To ...

Basic dates analysis

A woman working on a computer.
Using basic dates analysis It's in the gap you can tell the story. This is a must watch video. This will show you how to gain some great data structure for data that needs to ...

Leveraging Copilot for Data in Microsoft Excel

It's tough to claim survival skills when Copilot is quite new, right? Technically, AI itself isn't new, but Copilot as a tool is a recent addition to the market. Learning how to use it effectively, understanding its strengths and weaknesses, is all part of the process.

Use Copilot to Create a Draft Presentation about your Data Project

A woman working on a computer.
Use Copilot to Create a Draft Presentation about your Data Project It will not be the final draft but learn how to leverage the power of Copilot with your data to create a great first ...

Use Copilot in Excel to teach you about the data

A woman working on a computer.
Use Copilot in Excel to teach you about the data The goal of this video is to show how to ask basic prompts to quickly learn about the data which will help you further validate ...

Use Copilot to build basic functions in Excel

A woman working on a computer.
Use Copilot to build basic functions in Excel Use Copilot in Excel to assist in building basic functions and calculations. Watch how Copilot can guide you through solving calculation issues, even if it doesn't get ...

Use Copilot to do basic cleanup commands

A woman working on a computer.
Use Copilot to do basic cleanup commands Use Copilot in Excel for basic data cleanup tasks, such as removing unnecessary columns and formatting data. Learn How To Use Copilot Cleanup Commands The Data Skills Survival ...

Use Copilot to see insights in your data

A woman working on a computer.
Use Copilot to see insights in your data How to leverage Copilot in Excel to explore data insights, including removing unnecessary columns and visualizing population changes over time.   Learn How To Use Copilot for ...

Use Copilot in Word to build documentation about your data project

A woman working on a computer.
Use Copilot in Word to build documentation about your data project Use Copilot in Microsoft Word to assist with documentation and research for data projects. Experience how Copilot can generate tables and lists from text ...

Designing Relational Databases

Planning a Basic System for Data Collection

A woman working on a computer.
Plan a Basic System for Data Collection  Databases that capture data in real time with live data is a different design than data designs that are to just collect and report on data. Understanding data ...

Designing a basic system for data capture

A woman working on a computer.
Designing a basic system for data capture Learning how to design basic systems even if it is just building a basic tables is a survival skill for sure. It helps you survive by letting you ...

Diagramming Data and Processes

A woman working on a computer.
Diagramming Data and Processes Visualizing data inside your head into diagrams can be a key skill. However, to be able to visualize data - you might have to build this skill. Learn keyways to get ...

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